Spent far more time than I ought trying to find a simple, not cluttered, not slidey, graphicy mess of a wordpress theme. This one seems ok – I don’t hate it.

So my 12 year old cat Max has developed quite the obsession with unrolling toilet paper. If either bathroom door is left open too long, it’s almost guaranteed we’ll find a pile of slightly mangled unrolled paper on the floor. He knows he’s not supposed to do it. I’ll be standing at the sink in the master bathroom and he’ll slip in behind and just *stare* at the toilet paper – sometimes streeeeetching out a paw to touch it. “Max…” I’ll say, and he’ll abruptly about face and leave.
Obsessed, he is.
The door between the bedroom and the master bathroom is one of those stupid vertical half doors, with a doorknob that doesn’t actually turn, you just pull it open.
Max has discovered that if he shoves his paw under the right side door and yanks really hard he can open the door whenever he wants to. Which is, of course, in the middle of the night.
Max: 1
Sleeping humans: 0
My doggy is getting old. We got him in the summer of 2001 and he was maybe a year and a half to two years old. His sight and possibly his hearing are fading, he’s getting sway-backed, his ridiculous tail won’t curl up any more, and both back legs shake almost constantly, often giving out underneath him.
But he still frequently play bows at us and bounces at us (even though his back end goes sideways sometimes) and he still eats like a horse. He comes upstairs with us at night, though he climbs the stairs very hesitantly. He acts like he wants to jump on the bed, but there’s no way I can allow that – even if he could jump up on the bed, there’s no way he could safely jump down.
It’s just a matter of time, but hopefully he’ll be here with us a while longer yet.
And just because, here’s a pic of our next oldest pet Max. He’s pushing 12 now.
Tonight was our 13th anniversary! We went to the Melting Pot for dinner – it was exceedingly delicious.
In other news, water is wet.
From phys.org:
“The studies, published earlier this year, show that the most likely person to be unfriended is a high school acquaintance.
The most common reason for unfriending someone from high school is that the person posted polarizing comments often about religion or politics… The other big reason for unfriending was frequent, uninteresting posts.”
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