So twice recently I've been caught without a camera when I could've used one. The other day, we went to the Austin Zoo on a whim, so I didn't have it with me. Then Saturday, we'd left the house to go to Costco and heard that there was a car show right in that area, so we decided to go there after lunch. Again, no camera.
Sigh. I need to start taking it with me everywhere, dammit!!
Today was good. There was a “Monster Library Book Sale” near us – $3 a bag, and $5 a box. Of course we had to go. We came out with a HUGE box full of books for $5. Can't beat that!
And speaking of pictures, we had a bit of excitement here the other night. Max was going nuts in the front room, so we went to see what he was so excited about.

Yes, it's a praying mantis!

Luckily, it was up high enough that Max couldn't jump and get it. That boy's got a pretty long reach! Now normally, I hate bugs. Hate, hate, hate. ::shudders:: But these, you gotta admit, are cool. Still, I didn't want to touch it, or worse, have the damn thing flying at me, so I made catch it (Rob says, it's a her) and put it outside.
That's it for me. G'night!