Geek. Gamer. Reader. Non-Compliant.

Month: September 2004 Page 1 of 2

I'm not entirely sure I approve…

… of this thing called “work”.

I’m woefully behind on my LJ reading, dammit!! Funny thing is, I can LJ at work, I just didn’t have the time. As it was my first day, this may not bode well at all… :::snicker:::

It was pretty good though. Could be interesting at least. And it isn’t tech support. That in itself is a Good Thing ™.


OK, so it seems I have a job now. At least for a couple of months, anyway.

It's a temporary QA intern job – I start tomorrow. Hope it works out ok!

Will she or won't she?

Keep an eye on St. Helens! (live web cam)

I’ve got a soft spot for the old girl. She was beautiful before she lost her top, and she provided quite a bit of excitement when I was a kid.

(A June eruption, viewed from our roof)

Misc stuff. Because.

Ok, so I've been using a bookmark system called Furl, which apparently was just purchased by LookSmart. Well, I don't know what that'll mean, so I went ahead and checked out Both let you categorize, both have rss feeds, both seem pretty cool. Furl stores the article itself as well, so links won't completely disappear. Because of that, I think I'm going to use both for a bit, and see how it goes.

So here's my link blogs: and

Also – I've got 5 gmail invites. You might as well give in. <grin>

(Edit – almost forgot: Firefox rocks. Don't forget the Sage extension.)

This sucks

My right hand and wrist have been hurting very badly since Sunday. Gripping anything is painful; opening jars is impossible. I've been wearing a hand/wrist brace for most of yesterday and all day today – it seems to help some.

I really, really hope it's just a flare up caused by poor mouse habits. If this was caused by shooting on Saturday I think I'll cry.

It all makes sense now!

FUN!!! (shooting)

Well, today was the first time I've fired a gun since childhood – and it was a blast! (no pun intended)

We shot a Glock 19 and a Sig something or other – it had a slightly bigger grip, and the barrel was a tad longer than the Glock. We went through three boxes of ammo – I wouldn't have minded another box.

Things I learned:

– The Glock is nice. Easy, and it felt comfortable in my hand. The Sig was alright, but the brass headed toward me when I was shooting a lot more than the Glock. It also seemed to kick more? Or maybe just in a different way than the Glock did.

– Speed loaders are not silly, nor are they a luxury. They are necessary and will make range time much more fun.

– Squinching one eye shut is ok, everybody does it. I was instinctively doing that, and was worrying that I might be giving myself bad habits.

– It will be extremely easy to run through ammo.

My knowledge of guns is spotty, which I should rectify. I want the first gun we buy to be right for us, then we can move on to other stuff. I'm 85% sure that a 9mm autoloader is what we want to start out with. This store had Glock 19's for $532 – no idea yet if that's reasonable or not.

Oooh, that was fun. Must go again soon!

The bottom three are mine, and the one in the top right is 's best.


* Cold leftover chinese food for breakfast is just plain good. Yum.

* So our bank atm cards expire this month. We've been wondering where they are, so called the bank. Bank says, oh, they've been sent out, and they're activated. WHAT??!? There's been no unexplained bank activity that I can see on the online bank statement. After a minor panic, it turns out that there was a glitch: the cards were sent out, but they were sent out already activated. Sheesh. So we cancelled all of 'em, our current ones and the ones in the mail, and had them send out new ones.

* To the great disappointment of , I can no longer stand using linux. It feels slimy crawling back to Windows, but linux just wasn't working out for me. To be sure, I wouldn't dream of using IE or Outlook, but everything I like to do, I can do easier and faster in Windows. I think he still loves me. So, this weekend I'll be rebuilding my pc – unless I get motivated and do it today. I've got everything backed up, I think. Famous last words, I know.

* got me Sims2!!! I know he only does this to me so that he can say innocently “But, honey, you've spent more on one game than I have!” Yes, I am addicted to the Sims. I have all but one expansion pack – I'm not proud of this.

* I really like Firefox. A lot.

If I had known it was <i>that</i> easy…

I'da done it sooner!!

gaim convo with the husband:

(17:18:50) : :-P
(17:26:51) : Come home.
(17:28:13) : OK
(17:28:18) : *smooch*
(17:28:24) Rob logged out.
(17:28:27) : LOL

Note to self: Bring camera

So twice recently I've been caught without a camera when I could've used one. The other day, we went to the Austin Zoo on a whim, so I didn't have it with me. Then Saturday, we'd left the house to go to Costco and heard that there was a car show right in that area, so we decided to go there after lunch. Again, no camera.

Sigh. I need to start taking it with me everywhere, dammit!!

Today was good. There was a “Monster Library Book Sale” near us – $3 a bag, and $5 a box. Of course we had to go. We came out with a HUGE box full of books for $5. Can't beat that!

And speaking of pictures, we had a bit of excitement here the other night. Max was going nuts in the front room, so we went to see what he was so excited about.

Yes, it's a praying mantis!

Luckily, it was up high enough that Max couldn't jump and get it. That boy's got a pretty long reach! Now normally, I hate bugs. Hate, hate, hate. ::shudders:: But these, you gotta admit, are cool. Still, I didn't want to touch it, or worse, have the damn thing flying at me, so I made catch it (Rob says, it's a her) and put it outside.

That's it for me. G'night!

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