All bad precedents began as justifiable measures. — Gaius Julius Caesar
This was the week for the fantastic book acquisitions. The book I won on ebay came in – a first edition Heinlein. The book was great (Friday, one of my favorites) but what came with it is what made my day: Heinlein's signature, on top of a piece of Bonny Doon letterhead.
I'm giddy, I tell you!
Not much else going on around here – work's been busy; fun, but busy. It's almost time for the first real maintenance on the Xterra. Linucon is coming up fast, as is the Austin Celtic festival.
Oh yah! I had a bit of a freak out on Sunday night. We'd taken out the garbage as usual, when I discovered I had missed the downstairs bathroom trash. No big, I took it out the front door and dropped it in the garbage can. As I walked back to the door, I noticed something on the bottom doorjamb. Now, I'm probably 10 or 15 feet away. I am also wearing sweats and I'm barefoot. This thing on the doorjamb looked rather large from that distance, and I was afraid that it was a gecko that I might have accidentally shut in the door. As I got closer, I saw it wiggle. Closer still and ohmygodthat'snotageckoit'saspider ohmygod HUGE SPIDER. This thing was big. And kinda hairy. And ohgodthelegs were long. GAH.
So I freeze. I'm not going near that thing. I have a bug phobia to begin with, and spiders are way high on the list of Bugs I Do Not Like No Sir!
Now what do I do? I'm barefoot. If I go near the door that spider will jump on me and eat me alive. My mind scatters around thinking up plans – toss rocks at the window where I think Rob is… no, no rocks and you'll scratch the car when they bounce off. A stick!! I need a stick to hit the window!! ! No, no sticks near by, and it's too high anyway. I'm not going to yell, it's after 11.
So, I hit the doorbell. I ring it at least a dozen times. The cats are probably freaking out, and Rob doesn't even know I left the house. So I hear him say “Is that you?” – I say yes, but he probably can't hear me, and I'm not going to yell. So I hit the doorbell a few more times for good measure. Remember, that obscenely large spider is still keeping me at bay. So Rob opens the door and I quickly shout “lookouthere'saspiderdon'tletitinkillitkillit!!!” He sees the spider and says something like “GHAAAAAHHHH!” and shuts the door. He, of course, is not only barefoot, but naked as well.
I hit the doorbell a few more times just for fun.
Finally, he gets to the door with a paper towel and takes care of the invader. I swear that thing was at least as big as my hand.
Did I mention I hate bugs?
Goodness. Naked men dealing with spiders. I think you guys in Austin DO have too much time on your hands! ;-)
Hey, if there’s a spider THAT big threatening me, I can’t possibly think of other uses for naked men!