Geek. Gamer. Reader. Non-Compliant.

Month: January 2008 Page 1 of 4

Better check the smoke detector…

Jan 31 – 030/366

Happy Birthday to me! I’m old! :D

Game manuals

Game manuals

Originally uploaded by jenbooks.

Jan 30 – 029/366

Project 365+1, Day 28

ACC Courtyard

Originally uploaded by jenbooks.

Austin Community College, South Austin Campus. ‘Swhere I spend Mondays and Wednesdays this term. :D

Project 365+1, Day 27

It’s a… cat?

Originally uploaded by jenbooks.

Fred “making friends” with Ebenezer & Snooch

Project 365+1, Day 26


Originally uploaded by jenbooks.

My powerbook is named Gaz – because it would be asking for trouble to name a computer “Gir”

Project 365+1, Day 25

Someone call Alfred

Originally uploaded by jenbooks.

Birds! Three of the at least six grackle trees outside of Central Market. Man these birds are loud! Whatever you do, don’t park under a grackle tree!

Project 365+1, Day 24

Did I win?

Originally uploaded by jenbooks.

Once, the cats started a game of Defender, and actually managed to get a score. o_O

Project 365+1, Day 23


Originally uploaded by jenbooks.

Studying in the student commons

Knitting type people – help! [Not Rob filter!]

Post locked to Not Rob! Shhh!

My husband wants this hat, but I don’t know how to knit. :D Could I hire one of you knitters to make it? There’s a pattern, too, though it looks a little vague.

I’d be delighted to pay for it, of course.

Let me know if you’re willing!

Project 365+1, Day 22


Originally uploaded by jenbooks.

Turkey Buzzard waiting patiently for his roadkill.

Been waiting months to catch this type of shot!

Note: I did not take a picture of his soon to be meal. Eeeuuughh. You’re welcome.

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