Originally published at Jen’s Corner. You can comment here or there.
So, there’s only 8 more days to submit comments on the regulation that will allow providers to withhold critical health care information. After that it goes into effect. naamah_darling is far more articulate than I – she goes into great detail in several posts here.
This is the rule that will go into effect if we do not act to stop it. Eight days.
Give money to Planned Parenthood.
And if you want some amusement value for your buck, donate it in Sarah Palin’s name. I did. I giggled madly while doing so.
The smallest donation is $5: The cost: priceless.
Make a donation to Planned Parenthood in Sarah Palin’s name. When you make a donation to PP (secure site) in her name, they’ll send her a card stating the donation was made in her honor. (Not that I’m into avian homicide, but this is like killing two birds w/ one stone: it financially supports beleaguered PP and protests the threat to female rights by one of our own.)
Here’s the link to Planned Parenthood’s website:
Open ‘Donate’. Click ‘Honorary or Memorial Donations’. Fill in your info and donation, then scroll down to ‘I would like to give to’: fill in ‘Sarah Palin’ and use the McCain campaign headquarters address:
1235 S. Clark Street
1st Floor
Arlington, VA 22202Please consider forwarding this to others, and urge them to do the same.
Hat tip: phoena :)