@CaptianRobert Terror of the Skies looks fantastic! Is it playable with 2 players?
Month: March 2013 Page 1 of 3
Photo: Abney Park RPG sighting @DLairAustin @CaptianRobert tmblr.co/ZU9okwhNYmyB
RT @Twyst: I get that everyone comes to understand others in different ways. But man am i getting tired of “I didnt understand X until m …
RT @scalzi: I did not change my icon to support marriage equality. I hope years of actively supporting marriage equality will somehow ma …
RT @TastyMinstrel: I went to @BallysVegas and all I got was some bloody pillows and the housekeeping runaround @LVCVA plz RT http://t.co …
I hate blogs that don’t have a date showing on the post. “Two weeks ago” is meaningless if I don’t know when the article was posted. #peeve
Photo: Pretty! From KeypersCove on Etsy. tmblr.co/ZU9okwh6cKdO
RT @shelldash: SCIENCE UPDATE: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs revised; “free wi-fi” now adjacent to “shelter/food/sleep” thing on pyramid.
RT @sqlrob: . @askegg @rickygervais Only behaves when watched, there’s a word for that. “Sociopath”. Can a sociopath be moral? IMHO, no.