My doggy is getting old. We got him in the summer of 2001 and he was maybe a year and a half to two years old. His sight and possibly his hearing are fading, he’s getting sway-backed, his ridiculous tail won’t curl up any more, and both back legs shake almost constantly, often giving out underneath him.
But he still frequently play bows at us and bounces at us (even though his back end goes sideways sometimes) and he still eats like a horse. He comes upstairs with us at night, though he climbs the stairs very hesitantly. He acts like he wants to jump on the bed, but there’s no way I can allow that – even if he could jump up on the bed, there’s no way he could safely jump down.
It’s just a matter of time, but hopefully he’ll be here with us a while longer yet.
- Jake
- Jake
And just because, here’s a pic of our next oldest pet Max. He’s pushing 12 now.