Geek. Gamer. Reader. Non-Compliant.

Author: jen Page 1 of 11

Female. Geek. Gamer. Reader.

Xmas blues

Ugh. So sick.

So Rob came down with the crud last week and was feeling pretty bad on Thursday. I guess today is my Thursday, because ugh. I hope so anyway, because I don’t want to feel worse. :-(   Judging by Rob, I’ve got another 4 days before I feel human. Hope the cough doesn’t get worse.

In other news, the Slanket I got for Giftmas is wonderful for “too sick to be up but not sick enough to be comatose.” Yay for warm and cuddly!

Which reminds me: FUCK the War on (some) Drugs! Useless assholes, I had to go to 4 pharmacies before I found one that carried the real Nyquil. On christmas eve! In the rain!

No wonder I’m sick.

Posted from WordPress for Android

No jury in the world….

I’m trying to prepare for my oral interview in Spanish tomorrow, fighting my own rampant avoidance behaviour when the following conversation occurs:

Rob: Want me to put headphones on while you’re studying?
Me: Yes, please, if you don’t mind.
Rob: No problemo.
Me: (absently) No probleMA.
Rob: So what you’re saying is that all problems are female?
Me: No, words that end in “ma”….. shut up.
Rob: (snickers)

Please stand by…

‘Blogs that are only twitter feeds suck. I want to get motivated to post again!




If this works, I’m posting this from my Galaxy Tab. I named her 0x9.

(testing edit)


SOMEBODY needs to post here more often. My attention span has been ruined by twitter and facebook. :/

I’m not unaware that the above is short enough to be a twitter post. /irony

Some are more equal than others

GU Comics has a problem in WoW…

Early yesterday Taks received and email from Blizzard (not one of the bogus phishing ones) that her account had been suspended because of gold selling style activity on one of her characters. I rushed to change her character’s rank in Bloody Plunder so that she didn’t have open access to the guild bank. I then started working on her behalf to reclaim the account. Several hours later she was informed that her account, after investigation, had been banned. There went our carefully planned gaming night.

Long story short, I went to my community contact at Blizzard explained the situation and asked for help. They got everything taken care of this morning and we’ve added an authenticator to Taks’ account.

Y’know, hackers suck and all, and I’m glad the GU guy got it taken care of, but this really kinda pisses me off. If MY WoW account (that I don’t have because it would take over my life and I have homework to do) got hacked like this I’m betting the Blizzard response would be “So sad, too bad”.

Do ALL the things!

Yesterday I should have gone to a history lecture that would have netted me 5 extra credit points for just attending – no paper or ‘nuthin. I didn’t go because I stayed up until 2 am in order to buy an autographed Abney Park cd. Priorities – I has them!

I regret NOTHING! I did better on the second test anyway, so I’ll just write a paper for some EC.

Today though, today I do ALL THE THINGS! See, a list:

  • Get up / shower / dressed (set the bar low!)
  • Scoop litter boxes (note to self: need 1 more)
  • Get stroganoff crockpot going
  • Clean counter so I can get stroganoff going
  • Laundry Day! (That’s the plan / rule the world / you and me)
  • Read chapter for geology


  • Pay bills
  • Read chapter and sources for western civ.


Tomorrow, tomorrow…. I love ya, tomorrow…

Mom’s Never Fail Vinegar Devil’s Food Cake

My mom’s never fail Vinegar Devil’s food cake. Kids, this cake is SOOO chocolatey and moist… yum.

  • 3 cups flour
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 cups cold water
  • 2 Tbsp vinegar
  • 6 Tbsp cocoa
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 3/4 cup oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp vanilla

Preheat oven to 375

Grease 9×15 pan

Put all ingredients in bowl and mix well. Pour into pan. Bake till done, 30-45 minutes. Cool and frost.

Something’s rotten in Denmark

Here’s some interesting info on that “I Write Like” meme that’s been going around. Now, I don’t see the text he’s referring to; I guess it’s been changed. When I go to results, there’s a pop up for a “newsletter” on how to “become a better writer”.

Combined with the utter bullshit results below, I say it smells.

Text entered:

hfkkja djkeug’ fhda a 9wejh skakdjh wodlka halsdk heh jfdklsa. Hf kdjsalflw ejla ewo fdjsa; hdsafeoa. hfkkja djkeug’ fhda a 9wejh skakdjh wodlka halsdk heh jfdklsa. Hf kdjsalflw ejla ewo fdjsa; hdsafeoa. hfkkja djkeug’ fhda a 9wejh skakdjh wodlka halsdk heh jfdklsa. Hf kdjsalflw ejla ewo fdjsa; hdsafeoa. hfkkja djkeug’ fhda a 9wejh skakdjh wodlka halsdk heh jfdklsa. Hf kdjsalflw ejla ewo fdjsa; hdsafeoa.


I write like
Rudyard Kipling

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Text entered:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lacinia tempor ante et sollicitudin. Cras vel massa sapien, sit amet auctor lacus. Curabitur et ipsum sit amet justo pretium commodo. Integer mollis ligula quis urna congue id euismod eros scelerisque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam varius adipiscing orci, non sagittis urna commodo eget. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce vitae gravida leo. Aliquam molestie neque mollis urna cursus pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sem neque, ullamcorper vitae facilisis et, luctus ac erat. Pellentesque imperdiet, leo ut pulvinar dapibus, quam arcu pretium ipsum, euismod luctus est urna et enim. Ut porttitor turpis massa, eu scelerisque ligula. Proin sit amet lorem felis, at tincidunt lorem. Mauris quis imperdiet mauris. Nulla et imperdiet nunc. Donec quis purus turpis. Praesent sed felis nulla.

Integer dolor felis, sagittis quis placerat id, vehicula sit amet est. Quisque eget viverra dolor. Vivamus bibendum arcu eu felis tempus sit amet faucibus urna blandit. Pellentesque at porta nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut suscipit mauris nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla facilisi. Praesent fermentum vestibulum lorem sed tempor. Mauris eget risus vel tellus lobortis mattis ac mollis augue. Cras consectetur rutrum ligula, ut consequat velit rhoncus ac. Etiam ante erat, tincidunt nec pellentesque vitae, rutrum a neque. Etiam tempus magna orci. Etiam a augue justo, vel auctor turpis. Ut vel pulvinar augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec nisl enim, euismod eu luctus pulvinar, bibendum id odio. Nulla facilisi. Nunc pretium malesuada massa a pulvinar.


I write like
James Joyce

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Hello world!

After several stupid moves on my part, the r&j portion of my scattered blogging history is uploaded. It may even work. Mostly. I’ll find out more later.

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