Detectives said Mauldin later confessed to putting his daughter in the microwave and said he was frustrated by the demands of caring for her. He said he wanted to get rid of the stress of caring for her.
(tags: IDWIYO)
Tag: links
Also published at Jen’s Corner. You can comment here or there.
TXU Corp. threatened to shut down some power plants, if it can’t come to terms with state regulators over accusations that the Dallas power company manipulated the wholesale market.
You know, this was a hurricane. A violent bit of weather that we saw coming ahead of time. An event that was predicted, planned for (at least, They Knew that the levees could be breached and what would happen).
Our so-called “Homeland Security” failed miserably. FEMA is a joke.
Is this the response when there is advance notice?
So what’s it going to be like when CA gets hit with the Big One? Or a nice little suitcase nuke gets set off somewhere?
BTW – there’s incredible coverage at http://www.wwltv.com
Also, you really should read the Times-Picayune – you can get pdf pages of the paper here:
http://www.nola.com/hurricane/katrina/pdf/090205/a1.pdf (They’re available for 8/31 and 9/1 so far. Pages a1 – a13 (or more – extrapolate the link))
Read the caption on this picture. Then read the caption on this one.
Now the punchline. Read the caption here.
I have no words.
FUCK the media. Fuck ’em hard. With spikes.
I’ve mostly stopped sputtering. It’s the same thing as how “kidnapped” blond blue-eyed children get buttloads of media attention when the perfectly cute hispanic child does not.
I pdf’d the picture/captions in case they go away.
Keep an eye on St. Helens! (live web cam)
I’ve got a soft spot for the old girl. She was beautiful before she lost her top, and she provided quite a bit of excitement when I was a kid.
(A June eruption, viewed from our roof)