Our wedding anniversary is coming up next week – April 29th is our 12th! Now, Rob and I are pretty much “unromantic” – we do birthdays and Giftmas, but we don’t do Valentine’s day or anniversary gifts. We do things – weekend away, a more “special” date night – but we don’t do gifts. Heck, we rarely exchange cards for that matter.
So the other day I remembered that April 29th was coming up and I was curious to see what the traditional gift for the 12th is supposed to be (Silk, Silk & Linen, Pearls), how they’ve changed over the years, and why they’ve changed. I told Rob what I’d found, and we talked about it for a bit.
Today the UPS man dropped off a package. “Open it,” says Rob. “It’s your anniversary gift!”
It was pearls! The latest Pearls Before Swine collection, of course. I love it. :)
tl;dr – Twelfth wedding anniversary gift is pearls; the husband gets me the latest Pearls Before Swine book.