I am so freakin’ drunk right now. HA
For proof, see my twitter stream.
Watter. I need water.
I’d link my twitter, but that’s really beyond my capabilities ry=g. right now.
I am so freakin’ drunk right now. HA
For proof, see my twitter stream.
Watter. I need water.
I’d link my twitter, but that’s really beyond my capabilities ry=g. right now.
Powered by Twitter Tools.
Originally published at Jen’s Corner. You can comment here or there.
Hot. AC is br0ked. It’s 85 upstairs. Also, I bit the inside of my cheek last night and it *hurts*!
Originally published at Jen’s Corner. You can comment here or there.
This is only a test. Please do not panic. If this works, I am content. If this doesn’t work, I am not at all surprised.
What do you usually use for:
Operating System: (Mac) OS X – Tiger
Screen Resolution:1280×854
Web Browser: Firefox
E-Mail: GyazMail – ok, I still and forevermore regret the loss of Agent for email. But GyazMail isn't bad. I find it's more powerful than Mail (the native mac program) but it doesn't have Mail's smartfolders. Er. I don't actually remember why I like it better than Mail, but I do. It's still not Forte's Agent. <sob> (Please, please, please you guys, develop an OS X version. But don't tie it to the intel chip.)
Word Processor/Office Program: NeoOfficeJ – perfectly good office suite, opens and will save as word/excell files. OpenOffice is also available for Windows.
Text Editor: TextWrangler
Instant Messenger: Adium (does AIM, YIM, MSN, ICQ, Jabber, Google Talk, Bonjour, Gadu-Gadu, Lotus Sametime, Novell GroupWise)
Image Editing/Manipulation: iPhoto and ::shudder:: Gimp. I'm seriously considering now using Photoshop Elements.
Media Player: iTunes and QuickTime
LiveJournal Client: xJournal
DVD Watching: DVD Player (Mac program)
And I'm adding these:
IRC: Colloquy – because Adium doesn't do IRC yet
Finances: Moneydance – fantastically better than ::shudder:: gnuCash, and just as good as Quicken, without getting raped by Intuit. Also available for 'nix and Windows.
HTML Editor: Taco HTML Edit – cute little HTML editor when you're too lazy to use TextWrangler. (Which, btw, would be a fantastic tool for writing web pages if I was a little less lazy about it)
RSS Aggregator: NetNewsWire – fantastic RSS reader. Will import podcasts into iTunes as well. Also, it will post news articles directly to various flavors of journals, LJ included.
FTP: Cyberduck – yeah, so I'm too lazy to learn the ftp command line. This is a pretty good program for ftp.
Stolen from
Sort by song title…
First song: '65 Love Affair – Paul Davis
Last song: Zydeco Stomp – Pure Cajun
Sort by time…
Shortest Song: Miracle Cure – 0:12 – The Who – Tommy (Remastered)
Longest Song: Global Underground Nubreed 006 (CD2) – 1:17:17 – Satoshi Tomiie – Global Underground Nubreed 006
Sort by album…
First Song: yasashii yoake TV-size – See-Saw – .hack//SIGN Original Sound & Song Track
Last Song: Dr Bones – Cherry Poppin' Daddies – Zoot Suit Riot
Top 5 Most Played Songs…
1. Mrs. Robinson – Simon & Garfunkel – The Concert In Central Park
2. American Tune – Simon & Garfunkel – The Concert In Central Park
3. Subterranean Homesick Blues – Bob Dylan – Bringing It All Back Home
4. Storm – Storm – Trance Nation
5. God Put A Smile Upon Your Face – Coldplay – A Rush Of Blood To The Head
First 5 songs that come up on Shuffle…
1.(This Ain't) No Thinkin' Thing – Trace Adkins – Dreamin' Out Loud
2.I Could Use A Hero – Bering Strait – Bering Strait
3.valley of mist – .hack//SIGN Original Sound & Song Track
4.Just Another Day – John Mellencamp – Mr. Happy Go Lucky
5.The Eternal Vow – Tan Dun & Yo Yo Ma – Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
1. “Sex”–How many songs come up:
Uh… 29. Ok, 14 of those are from the album “Sex and Violins” by Rednex.
2. “Death”–How many songs come up:
13. Heh… that's appropriate, somehow.
3. “Love”–How many songs come up:
357. If I just search on song name, it's 246.
4. “You”–How many songs come up:
5. “love” and “you” –How many songs come up:
erunnos.livejournal.com wants to set another cookie
gutterboy.livejournal.com wants to set another cookie
sqlrob.livejournal.com wants to set another cookie
ljuserX.livejournal.com wants to set another cookie
WTF???? Also I get logged out every time I turn around and I HAVE the freakin' “remember me” box set.
This shit isn't necessary people.
OMG. It's because I don't want to see styles that make my eyes bleed. It's the ?style=mine parameter.
Well, fuck.
There's still no reason to use a fucking cookie for that.
FEMA, an agency within the DHS, already has a program preparing children for disasters. “FEMA for Kids” (www.fema.gov/kids) includes a pudgy and nervous-looking airplane leaking a trail of smoke, a hermit crab mascot named “Herman,” and a song with a rap beat:
“Disaster . . . it can happen anywhere,
“But we've got a few tips, so you can be prepared,
“For floods, tornadoes, or even a 'quake,
“You've got to be ready — so your heart don't break.”
Must do today. Must do today. Must do today.
Change sheets
Put away laundry (Mostly done. Close enough.)
Clean off kitchen table/Moneydance
Make dent^W deep scratch in kitchen
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