Geek. Gamer. Reader. Non-Compliant.

stupid wordpress/gallery/mysql/sunspots/whothebleepknows

A plea for help: can someone poke around on my site a little bit? It’s probably going to take for-freakin’-ever, but it ought to come up eventually.

Let me know if it does take forever, and if you get any error messages on the page. OS and browser would help too.

I’m trying to eliminate the path as a source of the problem. I think there’s something wrong w/ the mysql server and/or database, but it could just be the path my little packets are taking.

That said, this’ll be the second time that gallery has really irritated me, and it seems to be spreading to wordpress. Like I said, I think it’s mysql.

Links to start with:

I’ll love you forever!!


Home Again


testing picasa


  1. I didn’t get any error messages, but HOLY CRAP it was slow. XD
    Safari on Mac OSX 10.4.8.

  2. They were horribly slow. They did take forever. But they all came up without any errors.
    Lovely ice shots, btw.

    • I”m tired and not reading for comprehension. Worked fine on both firefox and IE on XP.

      • Heh – that’s cool. I’m totally convinced it’s nothing to do w/ browsers, or, really, the page itself. Thanks much for hitting it!

  3. WinXP, FF 2
    It’s that gallery.
    * Gallery
    WordPress database error: [Lost connection to MySQL server during query]
    SELECT * FROM jen_posts WHERE post_status = ‘static’ ORDER BY menu_order ASC
    It’s taking too long to query the DB. Too many requests, or else too many existing connections (see this). I suspect the first, though.
    Do you run phpMyAdmin?

    • Actually, that error is from a navigation snippet – it’s talking to the WORDPRESS database. Though connecting to gallery is also slow, again… the freakin’ mysql database, although I’m fairly sure it’s a different database.
      Hell, for all I know, it isn’t, it’s all part of some huge conglomerate.
      DAMMIT. I don’t want to call tech support. They’ll just blame me.
      Pages that don’t have anything to do w/ wordpress or gallery still come up slow, but not that slow.
      EDIT – FUCKING Livejournal:

      One or more errors occurred processing your request. Please go back, correct the necessary information, and submit your data again.
      * Comment not posted: POST required, or missing parameter.

      God I hate computers.

    • And, to answer your question, short answer is I use phpMyAdmin 2.7.0-pl2 – but I don’t run it. I’m on GoDaddy – they provide this crap. Downside is, I don’t have that much control over it, so I’m not really sure exactly how everything is set up. Sorta.

      • Do you have a command anywhere in phpMyAdmin that says ‘show processes’? It’s typically top level before you go into a database, so if you start by default AT your DB, you might not have it. It tells you what-all is going on with connections in real time. Best I got for you right now…

  4. Yup, it loaded slow as molasses. Maybe slower, meaning I had time to go to the bathroom and stop off at the kitchen for a soda, and still sit and wait for it to finish loading. Looking at the errors in the navigation (under Gallery and Calendar), I’d say it’s an SQL problem, but not anything you did. I used to have this happen sometimes with my last host, and there wasn’t anything much I could do about it. Their SQL servers just sucked, or they limited the number of queries that could be made at one time. I never figured out what it was, I just left that host.
    And yeah, probably not OS/browser based, but anyway OSX and Firefox.

    • Slower. Seriously, two and a half minutes??? And, cool, the calendar snippet screwed up? Awesome.
      Thanks for the clicks!

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