What the heck Austin, snow??
Jake likes it. :D
I’d like it better if I didn’t have this cough from hell. Yesterday I sounded like a de-barked dog.
I’ve got eight seven five 22 google wave invites if you want one – comment here or email me: jenbooks@gmail.com
Polonius: What do you read, my lord?
Hamlet: Words. Words. Words.
Hamlet, Act II, Scene ii
“When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes.” – Erasmus
“I cannot live without books.” – Thomas Jefferson
“The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them.” – Mark Twain
“Whenever books are burned, men also are burned.” – Robert A. Heinlein
Happiness is an unlimited supply of good books.
Upset the politically correct – read banned books.
2004 – 2005 – 2006 – 2007 – 2008 – 2009
I’m taking two classes this term, Digital Imaging I, and Texas State and Local Government. TX Gov is required by the state for any degree, so I’m stuck with it. Texas government is… peculiar. My other class, however, is just plain fun. My major is history, but I’m thinking of also getting a “photographic artist” certificate, whatever that is. The classes for that are some photography fundamentals, digital imaging classes, a class on web design and small business management. Could be useful, and should be fun and interesting.
So! My photoshops, let me show you them! Click on the “thumbnails”1 for a bigger image.
I’m at school in the commons, and I’m reading the paper – an actual newspaper – that someone left behind. It seems the Catholic Diocese of Dallas has suggested to its parishioners that they should stay home from mass if they feel sick – good advice, of course. But then it goes on:
Really? I mean, sure that sounds like good advice, but I thought that the whole point of communion was that transubstantiation magically miraculously changed the wine into the actual blood of Christ. Surely such a miracle could neutralize a few Swine Flu viruses, could it not?
So sqlrob got a new laptop, an HP that was on sale at Costco:
sqlrob: What’s its name?
jenbooks: Happy!
sqlrob: Happy?
jenbooks: only thing I could think of with an H and a P….
jenbooks: *is lame*
sqlrob: Lovecraft
jenbooks: doh!
jenbooks: probably not a good idea.
jenbooks: don’t want your code summoning anything Bad.
sqlrob: It’s Vista. Too late.
jenbooks: ROFL
jenbooks: I’m so blogging that.
And so I did. :D
Ping ernunnos and gizka (and anyone else with an opinion):
So my PPC Powerbook is about to be maybe orphaned by Apple and I’m thinking that a netbook would really be all I need for school. I like having the computer with me, but dang it really adds a lot of weight to my backpack.
I think I remember you guys talking about getting netbooks at one point – how do you like them, and do you have any recommendations or warnings?
::: Walks in, brushes dust off the furniture :::
Hi, my name is Jen, and sometimes I post in this ‘blog thingy.
OK, so it’s been a while. Nothing big has been going on, just day to day living; mostly good, some annoyances, a little bad – you know, life. I can’t even say I’ve been too “busy” to post, ’cause I could have easily done so. ;) It’s just plain laziness.
I’m hoping that I overcome said laziness and make an update soon – but don’t hold your breath. You wouldn’t miss much anyway, just my boring days. :D But I like them.
BUT! I’m posting now because it’s my birthday (gratuitous pointing out of entirely too long amazon wishlist) and my husband is made of awesome. For weeks he’s been cackling about this cake that he wanted to have made for me and today I finally got to see (and EAT yay!) the results:
(Cake by Sweet Tempered)
Yeah, he’s a geek. And I must be a geek too, ’cause I get it, and I think it’s awesomely awesome.
It’s also chocolate, and yummy. Mmmm… cake.
I’m going to go play some Animal Crossing: City Folk now, because I can.
Originally published at Jen’s Corner. You can comment here or there.
My Friday night, in bullet points:
Much fun was had. :D
Originally published at Jen’s Corner. You can comment here or there.
I am so freakin’ drunk right now. HA
For proof, see my twitter stream.
Watter. I need water.
I’d link my twitter, but that’s really beyond my capabilities ry=g. right now.
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