Originally published at Jen’s Corner. You can comment here or there.
But you can rollerskate in my garage now! If I had rollerskates, of course. Here’s an “after” picture:
Half of that stuff on the left is for the theoretical garage sale we’ll have after we get through at least some of the junk room. Hopefully.
More pictures on how we spent a four-day Memorial day weekend after the cut!
This was actually partway into the project. There WAS a car shaped hole in the middle, and the sides were piled higher.
Just a few boxes to start with.
Halfway there – Car fits again, but has to be way over on the side because the dumpster blocks more than half of the driveway.
PLENTY of room for the Beast now. And I can finally get that garage door opener I’ve been longing for!
Wow. I can’t believe we filled it. I’m REALLY glad we didn’t have to get another one!
Looks great! I’ve been wanting to get a dumpster and re-design the house and garage, but need to find one that can get up our driveway.
I’m so proud of you.
I stand in awe of your junk clearing abilities.
You really shouldn’t. You haven’t seen the front room, with the stacks and stacks and stacks of books rescued (finally) from the garage. or the junk room, which is just frightening. Or the computer room. Or… sigh.
Drop. Ocean. :)
(We will not get rid of books, dammit. ‘Cept for some duplicates. So there.)
That’s a massive job…well done, even if you think it’s a drop! It’s a start, which is what counts.
True, true. :)
But the important thing is now I get to get a garage door opener! This is making me far too happy. :)