Geek. Gamer. Reader. Non-Compliant.

Thought Police

Because bronxelf_ag001 is far more eloquent than I:

Writing about a thing (especially writing about a fictional account of a thing, using fictional people, in fictional situations) is not a crime. It is NOT THE EQUIVALENT OF ONE, either. Writing about incest Harry Potter fic where all the Weasleys are having mad naked donkey sex with a hoover and a bag of Mrs. Botts Everyflavour Beans *doesn’t make you a pedophile*. It makes you a very silly person, but it doesn’t make you a pedophile. I don’t give a rat’s ass HOW sick you think it is. If you think that one equates to the other you’re letting your own prejudices get in the way of logical thought at best and you’re an idiot at worst. It’s not a cause for deletion of a journal under LJ’s own TOS and goodness knows if you *really* wanted a reason to go after the fanficcers you could have done so AT ANY POINT citing copyright violations.

I got a GreatestJournal a while back – I’m jenbooks there too. Not sure exactly what I’m going to do, but I am getting more and more cheesed off with SixApart.



Also keep in mind that removing the very words from our language does not make the act go away. It just puts us back to a time when it was taboo to discuss these things, and folk will go back to not reporting the crime, but suffering in silence instead. Better that the actual perpetrators be properly hunted out by law enforcement and arrested than the problem merely swept away as if it doesn’t exist.hakeber


You Can’t Rollerskate in a Buffalo Herd


Still annoyed


  1. I added you on gj. Right now Im just going to be setting the thing up and porting over old stuff. Depending on how LJ resolves this, we’ll see where it goes.

  2. Yeah, I’m not sure how I feel about any of this, either.
    I’ve let my paid account lapse & see no need to pay this new company if they’re just going to start censoring.

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