Read the caption on this picture. Then read the caption on this one.
Now the punchline. Read the caption here.
I have no words.
FUCK the media. Fuck ’em hard. With spikes.
I’ve mostly stopped sputtering. It’s the same thing as how “kidnapped” blond blue-eyed children get buttloads of media attention when the perfectly cute hispanic child does not.
I pdf’d the picture/captions in case they go away.
Well, there you go. Would be great if Jon Stewart picked up on this.
I posted on my blog about something Wolf Blitzer and his sidekick Cranky Mahoney said a few minutes ago.
During times of crisis, people like Blitzer, Larry King, and a few of the other severe bubbleheads – just get ’em off the air. Yes, I know they’re the big commodities in TV news, but they can’t handle it. Put on the local reporters who know what they’re talking about and don’t make a situation worse.
I just mailed it to Daily Show actually. I’m a nut. :)
I must be missing something…
oh whoa. Oh just…wow. I didn’t even notice the race thing until I looked at it again; I don’t really see people in terms of that. That’s just…ack. Somebody call John Stewart.
That’s because you’re a good person. I probably wouldn’t have noticed it right away either, if hadn’t have sent them to me much like I posted them. Gah. I.. just.. Agh. I’m still sputtering.
I really hate people
somemost of the time.crankycatlady
Holy crap. Words fail me.
I’m just happy I took another look myself before making a “Duh . . I don’t get it . . .” post. ;>)
Hmm. The World according to the AP:
Black residents loot. The Whites borrow.
The media is completely without people who think before they write/talk.
Just what we need; to make everything worse.
Asswipes. Unbelievable.
You mind if I posted this to metafilter? If not, how should I credit you?
Not at all. I’m still mad about those damn captions. Does anyone think?
Gah, everyone’s telling me I did a nice find, but it was you and . Sure I shouldn’t credit??
I got it from a thread on fark. I can give you that info if you want it.
If you don’t mind.. I don’t like getting credit for this. :)
From This FARK thread
Found it just before you posted. :) The MeFi peeps are making some good points, though.. it’s not cut and dried, though it never is. :) Still a good call, I think.
Heh – actually, I meant that I didn’t mind if you did. But as far as that goes, Rob did get it from fark.
I was leery of linking your LJ without some explicit okay. :) I did post a link to Fark, and the funny thing is that the Fark thread now referces the MeFi one. Meta meta meta. :)
Just to play devil’s advocate, it could be because the first guy was stealing beer, which is clearly not a necessity, while the couple was stealing bread, which could be considered one. Then again, they were also stealing soda, so there goes that theory.
And one was stealing soda, the contents of the bag weren’t visible.
I think at this time *ANYTHING* potable is a necessity, so beer would fall under that. Now stealing TVs, jewelery and such, those are looters.
Thanks, this sub-thread made my day, talk about making me crack up.
Oh my God! I can’t even believe that. The caption is exactly the same stupid, lame script except for changing “looting” or whatnot to “borrowing” or “finding”. Give me a frigging break.
I can’t take this. I’m going to go work out. I’m so pissed off right now.
So black people “loot,” and white people “find,” huh? Jesus.
Frankly the black people in the first two photos look much more wholesome than the two whites in the last photo.
Fuck racism.
I saw the first two, but there was a note saying the third had been purposefully removed. What was in the third picture?