Geek. Gamer. Reader. Non-Compliant.

You're fucking kidding me.

Read the caption on this picture. Then read the caption on this one.

Now the punchline. Read the caption here.

I have no words.

FUCK the media. Fuck ’em hard. With spikes.

I’ve mostly stopped sputtering. It’s the same thing as how “kidnapped” blond blue-eyed children get buttloads of media attention when the perfectly cute hispanic child does not.

I pdf’d the picture/captions in case they go away.


No content


Gas prices


  1. Well, there you go. Would be great if Jon Stewart picked up on this.
    I posted on my blog about something Wolf Blitzer and his sidekick Cranky Mahoney said a few minutes ago.
    During times of crisis, people like Blitzer, Larry King, and a few of the other severe bubbleheads – just get ’em off the air. Yes, I know they’re the big commodities in TV news, but they can’t handle it. Put on the local reporters who know what they’re talking about and don’t make a situation worse.

  2. I must be missing something…
    oh whoa. Oh just…wow. I didn’t even notice the race thing until I looked at it again; I don’t really see people in terms of that. That’s just…ack. Somebody call John Stewart.

    • That’s because you’re a good person. I probably wouldn’t have noticed it right away either, if hadn’t have sent them to me much like I posted them. Gah. I.. just.. Agh. I’m still sputtering.
      I really hate people some most of the time.

    • I’m just happy I took another look myself before making a “Duh . . I don’t get it . . .” post. ;>)

  3. Hmm. The World according to the AP:
    Black residents loot. The Whites borrow.
    The media is completely without people who think before they write/talk.
    Just what we need; to make everything worse.

  4. Asswipes. Unbelievable.

  5. You mind if I posted this to metafilter? If not, how should I credit you?

  6. Just to play devil’s advocate, it could be because the first guy was stealing beer, which is clearly not a necessity, while the couple was stealing bread, which could be considered one. Then again, they were also stealing soda, so there goes that theory.

    • And one was stealing soda, the contents of the bag weren’t visible.
      I think at this time *ANYTHING* potable is a necessity, so beer would fall under that. Now stealing TVs, jewelery and such, those are looters.

  7. Thanks, this sub-thread made my day, talk about making me crack up.

  8. Oh my God! I can’t even believe that. The caption is exactly the same stupid, lame script except for changing “looting” or whatnot to “borrowing” or “finding”. Give me a frigging break.
    I can’t take this. I’m going to go work out. I’m so pissed off right now.
    So black people “loot,” and white people “find,” huh? Jesus.

  9. I saw the first two, but there was a note saying the third had been purposefully removed. What was in the third picture?
    Mary MMML

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