Originally published at Jen’s Corner. You can comment here or there.
June is turning out to be a busy month! Well, busy for us, that is. :) Got the garage door opener and water heater installed, two vet appointments so far – old cat and kitten stuff. This week is a long overdue hair appointment on Tuesday; a delivery of more media storage on Wednesday, as well as the Princess Bride Quote-Along; and Saturday is a Drew Curtis (FARK) book signing at BookPeople. If that weren’t enough, I get to go to the circus later this month as well! I’ve got goooood seats – center ring, about 4 rows from the front. Close enough to smell the elephants, not close enough to attract the clowns. I’ve already threatened Rob with bodily injury if he does anything to attract the attention of the clowns.
You hate clowns too? I can’t stand ’em, and that’s probably why I avoid the circus and most parades like the plague. :D
Well, I don’t mind clowns really, I just don’t want to be up close and personal with them. Plus, at the circus, they frequently take
victims“volunteers” from the audience. Hopefully, we’ll avoid that. :DI (heart) the circus. Oooh! And I got to go see the Lipizzaners this year too! They were so beautiful.
But now I have to go feed the beasts before they eat my toes – or torch the place.