Geek. Gamer. Reader. Non-Compliant.

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So. Yeah.

It’s late, I’m crashing, and I’ve got nothing whatsoever to say.

Didn’t sleep well last night, so I slept in pretty late today. That, of course, set the tone for today, which means I accomplished absolutely nothing.

Oh well, that has its advantages as well.

Still got nothing.

Laundry tomorrow, and I’ve got to study for a government test that’s coming up.


Well, that was boring. But it wasn’t a meme, at least!


Seinfield post

So. It’s Day 5 of NaBloPoMo and already I’m at a loss for something to post. I’m gonna blame it on having class today and not getting home until late afternoon, and on being up way too late last night. :D

You know, lots of times I think “hey, I should post about that” but then I never remember to actually do it. I ought to make notes or something. It’s not like I don’t have nifty gadgets to do it with.


Rob’s birthday was today, so he wanted Thai. He’s also off the rest of the week, so we might go to the zoo tomorrow. If it’s nice, and also if Pandora eats ok. She’s been… iffy on eating. She’ll eat fine one day, and refuse food the next. She looks fragile and slightly scruffy – and we’ve been in to the vet several times. I hope she’s going to be ok – she’s pushing 15, and hasn’t been in the best of health.


So, I’m kind of the non-moderator for a political email list that’s been around since 1994. It’s called NoRules, which means I don’t actually “moderate” it at all, it’s just that I’m the one that finally bitched and nagged enough to get them moved off of “reply to all” onto what finally wound up as Yahoo Groups. It used to be a really good group – interesting, lively, and informative. Now – well, it’s not as bad as a YouTube comment thread, but it’s all the same the same the same – I could pop in there any time and it’s the same stuff from the same people and it’s usually just crap. I only mention it because I made the mistake of reading a couple of emails tonight. Someone forwarded the Michelle Obama/Lobster thing tonight. //shakes head// That’ll teach me to look at it.

Maybe I’ve changed.


I’m sitting here at the computer and Fred is wedged between my back and the back of the chair, with her front legs just draped over the arm of the chair and her head hanging over it. She tends to reach for things on the desk, so I have to keep moving them out of the way. Every once in a while I reach around and scritch her belly, which is really all I can reach, and she purrs.

It’s late, and soon George will come in here and meep at me. They are quite certain about when I should go to bed.


Well, there’s 400+ words about nothing interesting at all!

I win!

Aha! There’s George. ‘Night!

Originally published at Jen’s Corner. You can comment here or there.

Movies, Hotdogs, and Books

Since the one year I tried NaNoWriMo I managed to write myself into a corner in less than 100 words, I’ve decided to instead sign up for NaBloPoMo! I did manage posting every day for one month a couple of years ago, so I should be able to do it again.

Visit NaBloPoMo

Anyway, Halloween was nice. Apparently the neighborhood does manage to observe the “no lights, no candy” custom, so no one knocked on the door. This left us free to watch the movies that y’all chose for us! :D

First up was Plan 9 from Outer Space. It tied for second on the poll along with Pan’s Labryinth and Great Pumpkin. We went with that one because after watching Johnny Depp in Ed Wood I had to see it. Also, Pan’s Labryinth was too long if we wanted to see more than one movie.

Hooboy what a delightfully bad movie! I was loving the “effects” and some of the hilarious dialog:

“Atmospheric conditions in outer space often interfere with transmitting”

“…all you of Earth are idiots.”

Next was the movie in first place – Beetlejuice. Love this movie! It’s a lot of fun. Michael Keaton is awesome, and I love Geena Davis. Earth Girls Are Easy is one of my favorite movies. (OK, Jeff Goldblum has a lot to do with that…)

Today, I slept in some while sqlrob was playing Fallout 3. Later this afternoon, we headed out to lunch and Half Price Books. OMG but Dog Almighty is good. Maybe not good for you, but sooo tasty.


When all was said and done, we hit 3 bookstores (2 used and Borders), GameStop, and stopped for ice cream at Amy’s. Yum!

Now just kickin’ back and enjoying a Saturday night. Tomorrow I’ll need to do laundry and a bunch of reading for class.

Originally published at Jen’s Corner. You can comment here or there.

Amusing moment

The husband is playing Saint’s Row and is driving down the sidewalk mowing down pedestrians like bowling pins.

It’s… slightly disturbing. :D

Originally published at Jen’s Corner. You can comment here or there.

I feel glad when you're glad…

Originally published at Jen’s Corner. You can comment here or there.

I had a dream last night. It was all very complicated and bizarre and fun, but the part I actually remember enough to describe is the very end. For some reason, Randy Travis showed up to tell me something, and I got his autograph.

Then I woke up with a Barry Manilow song in my head.

My brain is confusing.

Still alive! No, really…

Wow, so I haven’t been posting lately. I’ve posted maybe a hundred times in my head – but my brain/intarweb interface isn’t working properly.

School! I’ve been going to school! I’m trying to wrap my head around this whole “homework” thing – it’s been about an eon since I’ve “studied”. This semester (which is almost over) I’m taking English Composition I, US History I, and Spanish I. Next term, it’s all the same stuff, only “II”. Ah well, after that I should be able to take more varied classes.

Spanish I is kicking my ass. So far, I’ve got a solid B – but I’m not at all confident about the oral and final exams. I’m dreading Spanish II.

Cats! We somehow managed to be adopted by two more kittens. They’re absolutely adorable, of course. Pictures can be found on my Flickr account.

Well, I’m actually supposed to be studying right now. (Procrastinate? ME??) I’ll post a more complete update Real Soon Now, honest.


This and that

Originally published at Jen’s Corner. You can comment here or there.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was great! And speaking of Harry Potter, since there’s some spoiler hints even on CNN, it’s time for me to pull the plug.

From /. – “Salon reports that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has been leaked four days before it hits bookstores. It turns out that someone with access to the American edition of the book has taken a photograph of every one of the pages and made them available via bittorrent. Publishers may well be quaking in their boots, but in some places the quality is barely legible. On many pages the pirateer’s hands are in the pictures with other pages needing a bit of Photoshopping just to make out the words. It appears many of the sites have been removing the content, naturally enough.”

Warning – the /. link is almost certainly infested with spoilers in the comments, and I don’t know how deep the Salon article goes into it – I’m not reading it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah – we know there’s going to be death galore. Fine, but I don’t need to know details and page numbers, thanks.

Anyway, I’m out until Sunday!

In other news, U.S. medical researchers have discovered use of the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder drug Ritalin by young children might affect their brains. Um, duh?

We are here. We are waiting.

Originally published at Jen’s Corner. You can comment here or there.

Transformers is a totally awesome move. If you’ve got a theater like Alamo Drafthouse, you’ve got to go see it. Heck, even if you’re stuck with an inferior theater, go see it.

Was it true to the comic and/or cartoon? Hellifiknow. But it was very good.

Tuesday we’re going to the Harry Potter feast, then Thursday we’re going to see some bats!

Hope it doesn’t rain…

It's in what??

Originally published at Jen’s Corner. You can comment here or there.

So I’ve been trying to read food labels more lately; basically trying to avoid food from China, and high fructose corn syrup. My $DEITY, that crap is in everything. I’m also less enamored of artificial sweeteners too.

  • Jif peanut butter? HFCS. I bought organic. Hope I like it.
  • Smuckers jelly? HFCS. I bought HEB brand More Fruit – it’s got a minimum of ingredients.
  • The husband likes Smart Start cereal. High Fucking Fructose Corn Syrup. o_O I bought him Cap’n Crunch Crunch Berries instead – fewer calories, less sodium, and I think less fat, though it does have a lower vitamin percentage. No HFCS though. I bought myself some Cheerios instead. Lucky for me, with the exception of Lucky Charms, I prefer plain cereal: Total, Cheerios, Grape Nuts Flakes. No HFCS in those, although the Lucky Charms does have corn syrup. I probably should avoid that as well.
  • Campbell’s Tomato Soup? HFCS. I’m really disgruntled about that. I love that stuff. Got nine cans of it in the pantry at the moment.
  • All of the brand name “maple” syrups? HFCS and corn syrup.
  • My bread has HFCS – Sara Lee Whole Grain White (yeah, yeah, I know).

I’m appalled, and shocked, though I shouldn’t be. It’s really kind of weird sliding more and more towards organic foods. Last month I decided to give organic milk a shot. Now, I don’t really like milk – I never have. I use it in cooking a lot, and for cereal, but drinking it is a rarity. Before the husband, I’d buy it in quarts and it’d still go bad before I used it. Rob likes to drink milk at meals, so now I’m buying gallons. Anyhow, I bought some 2% organic milk, and tried a glass. It was actually almost good! I mean, it was still milk, but it tasted 100% better than the milk I’ve always had before.

Well, I gotta think about getting to my hair appointment now, so I guess that’s all the griping about HFCS I’ve got for today. I’m going to try to slowly cut that crap out, and buy food with ingredients I can understand.

Bread. What in the bleeding hells is it doing in bread??

Busy month

Originally published at Jen’s Corner. You can comment here or there.

June is turning out to be a busy month! Well, busy for us, that is. :) Got the garage door opener and water heater installed, two vet appointments so far – old cat and kitten stuff. This week is a long overdue hair appointment on Tuesday; a delivery of more media storage on Wednesday, as well as the Princess Bride Quote-Along; and Saturday is a Drew Curtis (FARK) book signing at BookPeople. If that weren’t enough, I get to go to the circus later this month as well! I’ve got goooood seats – center ring, about 4 rows from the front. Close enough to smell the elephants, not close enough to attract the clowns. I’ve already threatened Rob with bodily injury if he does anything to attract the attention of the clowns.

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